sexta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2008


In South Africa, XDR TB and HIV Prove a Deadly Combination

Robert Koenig

Science 15 February 2008:

Since the 2005-2006 outbreak of extensively drug-resistant TB in KwaZulu-Natal, health experts have been grappling with how to detect and treat the disease

Figure 1 Tricky diagnosis. X-rays, like this one taken in Port Elizabeth, show TB infection, but tests to distinguish normal from drug-resistant TB can take weeks.


CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA--A gaunt man with dark, deep-set eyes nods toward the uniformed security guards at the gate and the nurses who wear double-thick "respirator" masks when they make their rounds. The cheerless ward, surrounded by a 3-meter fence, is "more like a prison than a hospital," he says. "Many patients are depressed; they don't want to be here," the chief nurse tells a visitor as a TV soap opera drones in a nearby room.

That feeling is understandable. The two dozen men and women in the isolated ward are undergoing harsh and possibly futile treatment for the often lethal, contagious, and stigmatized disease that has brought them to Brooklyn Chest Hospital: extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR TB). The emergence over the past 2 years of the disease--which is even more difficult to treat effectively when patients are coinfected with HIV, as many are--is posing complex medical, ethical, and scientific issues in South Africa, the site of the largest and deadliest XDR TB outbreak to date. Last year, more than 500 cases of XDR TB were diagnosed here, and the total number was probably far higher.

On the medical front, the challenges include treating an infection that resists even last-ditch medications and finding the best ways to prevent hospital transmission of the disease (see sidebar, p. 897). Among the research challenges are identifying new drug targets and rapid diagnostics, as well as investigating the molecular evolution of the TB strains that led to the emergence of this new threat. The main ethical quandary is the extent to which hospitals can or should isolate XDR TB patients against their will or force them to take potentially lifesaving yet toxic drugs--perhaps for years.

Few warning signs
In August 2006, researchers made headlines at the annual AIDS meeting in Toronto, Canada, with a report that a new strain of TB, apparently resistant to almost all known drugs, had emerged in South Africa. The cases had been detected in 2005-2006 in the poor, mainly Zulu community of Tugela Ferry in South Africa's KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) Province; nearly all the victims were also coinfected with HIV. Especially alarming was the fatality rate: 52 of 53 patients had died within a median of 16 days after being tested for TB (Science, 15 September 2006, p. 1554).

Figure 2
XDR TB caught health care workers off guard and sparked fears of a new wave of "killer TB" outbreaks--especially in countries with high rates of HIV infection--that could jeopardize the progress in global TB control. The outbreak provided a "wake-up call," says Mario Raviglione, director of the World Health Organization's (WHO's) Stop TB Department, which had first discussed the emergence of XDR TB of Tugela Ferry and elsewhere at a meeting in May 2006. WHO quickly formed a global XDR TB task force that soon made recommendations for dealing with the threat. These include better TB and HIV/AIDS control and stricter management of drug-resistant TB, as well as better laboratory services and more extensive surveillance.

Although the Tugela Ferry outbreak was startling, XDR TB wasn't brand-new. Sporadic cases had been reported in the United States, Latvia, Russia, and elsewhere; WHO and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia, had first defined the strain in a March 2006 article. Nor was the new bug totally unexpected, given the poor record of treating TB in many countries. After multidrugresistant (MDR) strains of TB surfaced a couple of decades ago, some scientists had warned, it was only a matter of time before new strains, resistant to even more drugs, would emerge.

MDR TB first garnered widespread attention in the 1990s, when researchers and clinicians around the globe began identifying an alarming number of cases that were resistant to at least two of the four standard drugs used to treat TB. Suddenly, the already arduous task of treating TB became even more difficult and expensive. MDR TB can take as long as 2 years to treat, compared with 6 to 8 months for drugsensitive TB. Costs run 3 to 100 times higher, depending on the country and the drug-resistance pattern. WHO now estimates that of the 8 million cases of active TB diagnosed each year, more than 400,000 are MDR. Cases tend to be concentrated in regions where inadequate healthcare services make it harder to ensure that patients can follow the lengthy drug regimen.

Resistance can arise when patients fail to complete their therapy, thereby giving the TB bacteria an opportunity to mutate to evade the drugs. That's why a cornerstone of TB therapy has long been directly observed treatment-short course (DOTS), which focuses on supervised adherence to a fixed combination of anti-TB drugs. However, DOTS does not require drug-resistance testing, meaning that many undiagnosed MDR TB patients have been treated by an ineffective DOTS drug regimen that may have allowed those MDR TB strains to develop even further drug resistance. To help address that problem, WHO in March 2006 began recommending what's called the "DOTS-Plus" protocol--which calls for using second-line TB drugs for people with confirmed or presumed MDR TB--for some high-incidence countries.

"The major challenge is to see that TB patients stay on the treatment regimen," says Karin Weyer, head of the TB program at South Africa's Medical Research Council (MRC). Lindiwe Mvusi, who heads the South African Health Department's TB Program Directorate, estimates that at least 20% of the country's MDR TB patients are defaulting, making it more likely that some may eventually end up with XDR TB. Because XDR TB is resistant to most of the second-line drugs that are used to treat MDR TB (including fluoroquinolone-category medications as well as either amikacin, capreomycin, or kanamycin), clinicians have few options, other than trying older drugs or new combinations of drugs.

Paul van Helden, co-director of the Centre of Excellence in Biomedical TB Research at Stellenbosch University, questions whether the DOTS drug protocols are always the best approach in high-incidence TB countries such as South Africa. He believes more investigations are needed to determine the best mixture of drugs to treat MDR and XDR TB in different regions.

At this point, no one knows exactly how many cases of XDR TB there are globally, because most go undiagnosed and are not reported. WHO recently estimated that XDR TB may infect about 27,000 people a year in at least 41 countries. But this is just an educated guess, based on a percentage of the MDR TB cases diagnosed each year. Later this month, a new WHO report will give a more detailed picture of the spread of drug-resistant TB.

Flash point at Tugela Ferry
In retrospect, it's not surprising that the 2005-2006 outbreak occurred in KZN Province, which includes areas of extreme poverty. Although for centuries tuberculosis has been called The White Plague, in South Africa it is predominantly a disease of black Africans, a byproduct of poverty, poor health care, and--perhaps most perniciously--a high HIV infection rate. About 5.5 million South Africans are HIV-infected, about 11% of the population, with the highest infection rate in KZN. The combination of drug-resistant TB and HIV is especially dangerous because the weakened immune systems of HIV-infected persons make them more vulnerable to TB and also more difficult to treat.

The Tugela Ferry outbreak was detected when doctors at Church of Scotland (COS) Hospital began investigating the unexpectedly high mortality rate among TB-HIV-coinfected patients. Drug-sensitivity tests revealed that not only was MDR TB rampant, but even more patients had the superresistant XDR strain. Before then, few clinicians tested for drug resistance because it was expensive and time-consuming. That has changed over the last 2 years; today, many South Africans who test positive for TB are started on first-line drugs while being tested for drug resistance.

Figure 3 Isolation. The new XDR TB ward at Brooklyn Chest Hospital in Cape Town is guarded around the clock and surrounded by a high chain-link fence. A patient who tested positive for XDR TB awaited treatment at a rural hospital in Tugela Ferry in 2006 (right).


Since the initial reports, a total of 217 XDR TB cases have been found in Tugela Ferry, with a mortality rate of 84% between June 2005 and last March. Paul Nunn, the TB-HIV and drugresistance coordinator at WHO's Stop TB Department, calls the Tugela Ferry outbreak "the worst of its kind" worldwide, in terms of the number of cases, fatality rate, and the high ratio of XDR to MDR cases.

Was Tugela Ferry the harbinger of other severe XDR TB outbreaks or an anomaly resulting from an unusual convergence of risk factors? Gerald Friedland of Yale University School of Medicine--whose research group reported the outbreak at the 2006 AIDS conference as part of its collaboration with physician Anthony Moll's COS hospital staff and other institutions--worries that interlinked HIV and XDR TB epidemics could "create a firestorm" in many South African communities. He argues that the current South African statistics are unreliable and the extent of the problem underestimated because "there has been a marked underreporting of XDR TB."

But other TB experts, including Weyer and Mvusi, regard Tugela Ferry as atypical, in large part because its mortality rate has not been matched anywhere else in South Africa. Mvusi says there were 183 confirmed deaths from XDR TB in South Africa last year, but 342 XDR TB patients were still under treatment--giving hope that some cases can be managed. Although the Eastern Cape and KZN provinces had the most XDR TB cases, the strain has been found in all nine South African provinces. Many of those XDR TB patients were HIV-infected and many others had defaulted on TB drug regimens.

Searching for origins
In the wake of the Tugela Ferry outbreak, scientists have been using molecular fingerprinting techniques to analyze thousands of old, frozen TB samples to try to reconstruct the history of XDR TB's emergence in South Africa. At the University of KwaZulu-Natal, A. Willem Sturm's team discovered that XDR isolates of the KZN strain had existed undetected as far back as 2001. About 9% of the province's 2634 MDR TB cases had actually been XDR infections.

XDR isolates dating back to 2001 were also found in western South Africa, where biologists at Stellenbosch University's TB research center are conducting a retrospective analysis of thousands of TB samples. They are also cooperating with the Broad Institute and Harvard School of Public Health in Boston to sequence and compare the genomes of several drug-resistant TB strains isolated here (Science, 9 November 2007, p. 901).

Meanwhile, other groups are searching for faster and cheaper ways to detect XDR TB, as well as new drugs to treat it. Testing for resistance to second-line drugs can take up to 2 months using the standard techniques, by which time patients may have been treated with the wrong drugs.

In South Africa and elsewhere, clinical trials of new, molecular-based tests for drug resistance are already under way by MRC, in cooperation with the Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics in Geneva, Switzerland. If WHO validates the results, approval seems likely for a German firm's test that can quickly detect MDR TB and is being modified to detect XDR TB. Other groups are also testing their own molecular-based techniques.

Drugs for treating XDR TB are much further away, although several trials are under way. For now, doctors prescribe older TB drugs such as capreomycin and ADT that have not been used in typical second-line drug regimens.

Despite the daunting challenges, there is some reason to hope that XDR TB patients can be effectively treated, if not cured. In contrast to the Tugela Ferry outbreak, Iqbal Master, chief of medicine for drug-resistant TB at King George V Hospital in Durban, says two-thirds of the 133 XDR TB patients who were in King George V Hospital during 2007 were still alive at the year's end. Researchers in Latvia suggest that up to 30% of XDR TB cases that are not HIV-infected could be effectively treated. That is good news for patients but poses problems for medical officials who must decide whether and how to separate XDR TB patients from others during the lengthy treatment period.

The isolation debate
"We were caught off guard by XDR TB," concedes Marlene Poolman, the deputy director for TB control at the Western Cape province's health department in Cape Town. No cases were diagnosed until the end of 2006, and the following year, the number of XDR TB admissions at Brooklyn Chest Hospital soared to 72. "Virtually overnight, we had to convert an empty ward into a new XDR unit." The chain-link fence and 24-hour guards were added in October after several patients left the hospital and had to be returned under court order.

Involuntary isolation or confinement of XDR TB patients is controversial, allowed in some nations only if the disease is found to pose an immediate threat to public health. WHO recommends separating XDR TB patients from others, especially in regions with high HIV prevalence, and South Africa's health department has adopted that policy.

But even high fences and guards at some specialized TB hospitals in South Africa haven't kept all patients inside. In December 2007, 20 XDR TB patients and 28 MDR TB patients in another ward cut a hole in the fence and fled a TB hospital in Port Elizabeth. A month later, eight of those patients had not returned, despite court orders.

Mvusi says overcrowding at some hospitals and clinics, especially in high-incidence areas such as KZN, has made it difficult to separate XDR TB patients. King George V Hospital had a waiting list of 120 drug-resistant TB patients at the end of last year. Many of those were being treated as outpatients.

Master says the caseload is challenging the health care system. If patients with M(X)DR TB survive their entire 2-year treatment regimens and still test positive for drugresistant TB, Master asks, "What do you do then? You can't put everyone in the hospital for an indefinite period."

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